Firework Tips for Your Pet – Medical Minute


Are you excited about the 4th of July? The 4th of July can be a great time to hang out with family and shoot off fireworks, but unfortunately it can also be one of the most stressful times of the year for our pets. If you have a dog that gets really scared about loud noises and fireworks, make sure you plan ahead this year. Here are three tips to make sure you’re ready for the 4th of July.

Tip #1
Tip number one is to plan ahead. We all know the fireworks are going to start in the evening time, so make sure you take your pet out before that time. Let them do their business, give them some time to run around and get out some of their energy, and play with them. Engage with your pet to act as a proactive shield for any anxiety they may feel later that night.

Tip #2
The second tip is to have a safe space in your house for your pet. This should be a room that’s pretty quiet, and a place your pet feels in control. If you have a basement, that’s definitely a great option. I suggest having some background music playing to kind of drown out some of the outside noise. Definitely suggest Taylor Swift, never Maroon 5 – something calming and familiar to your dog is best.

Tip #3
And lastly, if you have a pet who you know is going to be really anxious and scared during the 4th, talk to your vet ahead of time and make sure you have some medications on hand. We can prescribe lots of very safe medications that can just take the edge off and help your furry friend enjoy the 4th of July holiday and not be scared all night.

What About Cats?

Here are a few things you can do to protect your cats from the noise of fireworks around the 4th of July:

  • Provide hiding places in your home (under furniture or a quiet corner).
  • Don’t stress your cat by trying to tempt them out. Leave them until they’re ready.
  • Keeping them inside to avoid them becoming stressed.
  • Microchip your cats in case they’re startled and escape outside.


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